S. No Name Designation Role
1 Dr. A. Mahamani Professor, ME Convener
2 Dr. Y. N. Vijayakumar Professor & Head, EEE Member
3 Mr. K. Thyagarajan Associate Professor, CSE Member
4 Dr. B. Damodhar Reddy Professor & Head, CE Member
5 Dr. D. Sri Hari Associate Professor, ECE Member
6 Mr. C. Surendra Babu Chief Librarian Member


  • To prepare the lists of books/journals as per the requirement of various departments.
  • To suggest improvements to run the library smoothly, orderly and satisfactorily.
  • To suggest the fine structure for the late returning of books.
  • To suggest the punishments to be awarded for the students violating the guidelines of the library.
Sattava Placements Examination Timetable


Sattava Placements Examination Timetable