Civil Engineering Course Details

Department of Civil Engineering Profile

The Department of Civil engineering is Accredited by NBA under Tier-I,Upto 30.06.2025.The Civil Engineering Department administers a Civil Engineering program that will produce graduates who are ready to work,high in quality,skilled in information technology and are professional in nature. The department also strives to undertake a program in community service and to disseminate advanced technical knowledge to engineers,other professionals and the public.

The department of Civil Engineering ensures that the Students have the opportunity to work with latest equipment both in the laboratories and while on project with various construction companies in and around the city. Universal Testing machines, UV Spectrophotometer, 200 T Compressive Testing Machine, Constant heat B. O. D. Incubators are few instruments that they regularly use during their sessionals. Fields in which the faculty is specialized are Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Fracture Mechanics, Hydrology, Water Resources, Foundation Engineering, Construction Management, Transportation Engineering, Entrepreneurship etc.

To become a study Program that is accepted as a model in the field of civil engineering education and leads to the application of civil engineering to provide quality professional and community services


  • To provide students with the fundamental technical knowledge and skills in mathematics, science and engineering to recognize and solve problems in the areas of structural design, geo-technical and environmental engineering.
  • To provide students with the necessary skills and practical experience to fulfill their professional duties and responsibilities in teamwork, ethics, technical leadership, business acumen and lifelong learning.
  • To make the students be in a position to practice professionally in various positions in industry or government and succeed in graduate or other professional schools.
  • To mould the students to become future engineers, scientists, researchers, and innovators and make substantial contributions to the society of civil engineers.
  • To prepare the students to be successful engineers or managers meeting the global industrial requirements.
  • To make the students put constant efforts to improve the living quality of all walks of life by solving wide range of problems.

Courses Offered:

Level Course Intake
DIPLOMA Civil Engineering (DCE) 60
Under Graduate Civil Engineering (B.Tech) 120
Post Graduate Structural Engineering (M.Tech) 18

Department Vision :

To be a centre of excellence in Civil Engineering education by making every effort continuously for improvement in education and undertaking research as well as to contribute to the technology for the infrastructure development leading to sustainable development of the society.

Articulation :

The vision of the department emphasizes the long standing dedication to offer quality education in an exciting academic atmosphere. The department directly serves the diverse components, such as teaching, research and consultancy with service moto to the nation. The vision offers a standard, by which the department plans, functions and appraises itself moving ahead.

Department Mission :

To provide quality education for successful career and higher studies in Civil Engineering that emphasizes academic and technical excellence in profession and research, effective communication, team work and leadership to meet the challenges of the society.

Articulation :

Strong fundamentals and in-depth knowledge, to cope up to practice and expand profession and also necessitate to continue with higher degrees and research to the students.

  • The department attempts to furnish prospect for a broad-based educational experience to all students so that students are prepared to tackle complex civil engineering setbacks through team work.
  • The department highlight the significance of education in the promotion of knowledge and prepare the students for success in their profession and able to team up and compete in a global environment as one of its top priorities

Program Educational Objectives of Civil Engineering


To achieve a high level of technical expertise to shine in higher education / profession by obtaining knowledge in basic sciences, design and drawing and engineering principles.


To explore and apply the modern engineering tools for planning, design, execution and maintenance of works that is technically viable, economically and socially acceptable.


To develop good communication skills, team work in their responsibilities with excellence and to be ready to take up challenges in the current scenario.

PSO’s of Civil Engineering


Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, fundamental Sciences, Structural Engineering, Water Resources, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geo-technical Engineering, Remote Sensing and management in core engineering practice.


Apply Analytical and design of concepts of Civil Engineering to solve a variety of problems in construction technology and management.


Develop competence in usage of modern equipment techniques and software in solving real time Civil Engineering problems.

Program Outcomes of Civil Engineering


Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.


Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.


Design / Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.


Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: Use research–based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern Tool Usage: Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to computer science related complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The Engineer and Society: Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the CIVIL professional engineering practice.


Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the CIVIL professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.


Ethics: Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.


Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings.


Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such as able to comprehend and with write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.


Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi disciplinary environments.


Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.

M.Tech – Structural Engineering

faculty photo

Dr.B.Damodhara Reddy

Professor, HOD


04 yrs experience

faculty photo

Dr.N.Kiran Kumar

Assistant Professor

Ph.D, B.Ed

04 yrs experience

faculty photo

Mr.R.Anil Kumar

Assistant Professor


04 yrs experience

faculty photo

Mr. K. Sreenivasulu

Asst. Librarian

M.A., M.L.I.Sc., B.Ed

04 yrs experience

M.Tech – Structural Engineering

S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification
1 Dr.B.Damodhara Reddy Professor, HOD Ph.D
2 Dr.N.Kiran Kumar Assistant Professor Ph.D
3 Mr.R.Anil Kumar Assistant Professor M.Tech

List of faculty publications during AY 2021-22

S.No. Name of the faculty Title of the Paper Remaks
1 Dr.M.Mohan Babu Ground Water Quality Monitoring in Southern Region of Chittoor District – Andhra Pradesh, India. Accepted for Pulication in AIP – Scopus Journal
2 Dr.B.Damodhara Reddy Study on Behavior of Previous Concrete with partial replacement of Cement by Silca Fume Accepted for Pulication in AIP – Scopus Journal
3 Dr.V.Sairam Mechanical Properties and Durability of Ternary Blended Cement Paste Containing Rice Husk Ash and Nano Silica Published in Construction and Building Materials – Elsevier – Scoups Journal

List of faculty publication (AY-2020-2021)

S.No Faculty Name Journal Name Title Paper Volume Issue Page No Month Year Indexing Impact Factor
1 Sivakumar.V, K. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. S. Ranjith, Giridhar kumar V International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods Experimental study of steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams with confinement 9 8 2797-2801 August 2021 Peer Reviewed -
2 Dr. S. Ranjith,B.V. Kavyateja, K. Hemanth Kumar, R. Anil Kumar Reddy Erudite Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences Bacterial Concrete –A Review 1 2 05-09 December 2021 Peer Reviewed -

List of Work Shop / Seminar

S.No. Name of Workshop / Seminar Organized by Event Time Event Details
1 Two Week Faculty Development Program on Modern Construction Technology Sponsored by AICTE(ATAL) Department of Civil Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor 5 -9-2022 to 10-9-2022 (Online), 12-9-2022 to 16-9-2022(offline) View Details
2 Five Days FDP On IoT & IT’S APPLICATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Department of Civil Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor 28th August 2023 to 1st September 2023 View Details

Two Week Faculty Development Program on Modern Construction Technology From 5 -9-2022 to 10-9-2022 (Online),12-9-2022 to 16-9-2022(offline)(Sponsored by AICTE-ATAL)

TECH ‘UTSAV – 2022’ National Level Students Technical Symposium organized by Department of Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering involves planning, designing, constructing, maintaining and supervising infrastructures which includes facilities essential to modern life like highways, bridges and tunnels, schools, hospitals, airports and other buildings, sewage systems and water treatment facilities. The department has the following well equipped laboratories which provide practical instruction to undergraduate students and facilities for post-graduate training, research work and consultancy work.




Environmental engineering lab comprises of modern and technically advanced instruments needed for water and wastewater analyses. This laboratory contains modern analytical instruments and facilities to carry out simple to sophisticated experiments i.e. Physico-chemical and Biological parameters testing for water and wastewater. The Laboratory has sophisticated equipments to analyze pollution parameters in water and waste water, soil and air by using instruments such as spectrophotometer, pH meter, turbidity meter, muffle furnace, BOD incubator, conductivity meter, etc.

Students Syllabus

Syllabus Link
B Tech R23 Regulation Download
B Tech R20 Regulation Download
B Tech R17 Regulation Download
B Tech R14 Regulation Download
B Tech R12 Regulation Download


S.No. Name of the Event Organized by Event Time Event Details
1 “Importance of Electric Vehicles for Future of Mobility” Department of Civil Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor 16.02.2023 View Details
2 Industrial visit to Srisailam Dam and Hydro electric powerplant Department of Civil Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor 19.12.2022 to 20.12.2022 View Details
3 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2022
4 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2021
5 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2020
6 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2019

1.Civil Engineering Department Association have organised a guest lecture on a topic ” Premature Failures of Buildings ” by Er.S.G.Uday Kumar, Deputy General Manager (DGM) for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ,Heidelberg Cement Group ( Zuari Cement) on 28.07.2022.

R&D Activities Name of the Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator (if applicable) Name of the Funding agency Year of Award Funds provided (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1 Dr Velchuri Sairam Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) 2021-22 55.58 3 Years
2 Dr.S.Ranjith Lakshmi Housing 2021-22 0.43 6 Months
3 Dr Velchuri Sairam Sai Krupa Properties 2021-22 0.31 6 Months
4 Mr.V.Sivakumar VishnuTeja 2021-22 0.31 6 Months
5 Mr.Shaik Madeena Imam shah Sri Parameshwara Engineers 2021-22 0.49 6 Months
6 Ms.Prescilla Hycinth C AK Associates 2021-22 0.36 3 Months
7 Dr.P.Narasimha Reddy Lakshmi Housing 2020-21 0.51 6 Months
8 Mr.Salvator Lawrence Sai Krupa Properties 2020-21 0.44 4 Months
9 Dr.M.Venkata Subba Reddy VishnuTeja 2020-21 0.42 4 Months
10 Mr.Rahul Sri Parameshwara Engineers 2020-21 0.43 4 Months
11 Dr.M.Mohan Babu AK Associates 2020-21 0.48 5 Months
12  Dr.B.Damodhara Reddy Lakshmi Housing 2019-20 0.47 6 Months
13 Dr.A.K.Dasarathy Sai Krupa Properties 2019-20 0.49 6 Months
14 Ms.V.Poornima VishnuTeja 2019-20 0.45 6 Months
15 Mr.R.Anil kumar Sri Parameshwara Engineers 2019-20 0.36 6 Months
16 Mr.Senthamizh selvan AK Associates 2019-20 0.46 5 Months
17 Dr.T.V.Krishna Reddy Lakshmi Housing 2018-2019 0.41 6 Months
18 Dr.A.V.Narasimha rao Sai Krupa Properties 2018-2019 0.44 6 Months
19 Mr.B.Rajasekar VishnuTeja 2018-2019 0.37 6 Months
20 Mr.V.Mahesh Sri Parameshwara Engineers 2018-2019 0.44 6 Months
21 Ms.S.Vidya AK Associates 2018-2019 0.44 4 Months
22 Dr. B.Kotaiah Lakshmi Housing 2017-2018 0.31 6 Months
23 Vamsi Mohan Sai Krupa Properties 2017-2018 0.37 6 Months
24 N.Kiran Kumar VishnuTeja 2017-2018 0.37 6 Months
25 R.Krishna Chaithanya Sri Parameshwara Engineers 2017-2018 0.49 6 Months
26 Y.Vinod AK Associates 2017-2018 0.35 4 Months
27 R.Anil Kumar AK Associates 2017-2018 0.41 4 Months

Student’s Corner

Students Achievements Academic Year 2020-21

SL.NO Name of the Student Inter University/State/National /International Name of the Event Month & Year
1 U Sumasree New Delhi National Employability Test Oct-21
3 B Vinod Kumar Reddy Tamilnadu National Level Online E-Quiz in C Jun-20
4 B Vinod Kumar Reddy Tamilnadu National Level Online E-Quiz in C Jul-20
5 C Pavan Andhra Pradesh International Webinar Jul-20
6 C Pavan Andhra Pradesh National Level Online E-Quiz in C Oct-20
7 Pathan   Inthiyaz  Khan Andhra Pradesh Python Programming May-20
8 Pathan Inthiyaz Khan Andhra Pradesh Online EART 2020 Quiz Jun-20
9 Pathan Inthiyaz Khan Andhra Pradesh Placement Proficiency Test Jul-20
10 Pathan Inthiyaz Khan Andhra Pradesh Quiz on Electrical Engineering Aug-20
11 D.Dharani Andhra Pradesh Online EART 2020 Quiz Sep-20
12 G.Devayani Andhra Pradesh Web Development with Python using Django Oct-20
13 K Rupa Andhra Pradesh Python Programming Nov-20
14 K Rupa Andhra Pradesh Online EART 2020 Quiz Dec-20
15 K Rupa Andhra Pradesh Developing Soft Skills Jan-21
16 K L Lalasa Andhra Pradesh Web Development with Python using Django Feb-21

Placement & Training

Following are the list of students placed in various companies from the academic year 2021-2022.

S. No Roll Number Student Name Year of Passing Employer Name
1 B.NIKHIL KUMAR REDDY 19785A0104 2022 Infosys
2 V SAI LOKESH 18781A0126 2022 WIPRO
3 ATKURI NAVEEN 19785A0101 2022 WIPRO
4 Dasari Upendra 19785A0110 2022 WIPRO

Following are the list of students placed in various companies from the academic year 2020-2021.

S. No Roll Number Student Name Year of Passing Employer Name
1 A. Uday Kumar 17781A0101 2021 Edupolis Technologies
2 A.Sai Krishna Reddy 17781A0105 2021 Edupolis Technologies
3 B Dilli Babu 17781A0107 2021 Edupolis Technologies
4 K.Surya 17781A0108 2021 Edupolis Technologies

Latest Events

S.No. Name of the program/Event organised Organized by Event Time Event Details
1 55th Engineers day Department of Civil Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor 11.11.2022 View Details
2 “Importance of Electric Vehicles for Future of Mobility Department of Civil Engineering, SVCET, Chittoor 16.02.2023 View Details
3 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2022
4 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2021
5 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2020
6 Engineers Day SVCET, Chittoor September, 2019


The following activity was conducted in our Institution on 15.09.2023. We are submitting a Report for IEI News letter Publication.

56th Engineers day was celebrated on 15.09.2023 , 4.30PM at Auditorium of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous),Chittoor,A.P. Dr.B.Damodhara Reddy, HoD,CE co-ordinator of the function, welcomed the gathering. Dr.M.Mohan babu, Principal, Dr.E.Lokanadha Reddy, Vice principal, Dr.Sudharshan kumar, Director – Academic Planning delivered the special addresses to mark the Engineers day. Dr.Sudharshan kumar, Director (Academic Planning) delivered his special address on the engineer’s day.

Dr.B.Damodhara Reddy,HoD,CE co-ordinator addressing the gathering.

Dr.M.Mohan Babu, Principal delivered his presidential address highlighting the values to be followed by each and every engineers.

Civil Engineering Department Association (CEDA)

S.No. Name of the Event Event Time Event Details
1 Industrial visit to Srisailam Dam 16.02.2023 View Details
2 Expert lecture on “Advances in Irrigation Engineering” 19.12.2022 to 20.12.2022 View Details
1 Industrial visit to ymts 16.12.2022 View Details

Contact Details

faculty photo

Dr. B Damodhar Reddy

Professor, HOD

M.E, Ph.D

10 yrs experience
Sattava Placements Examination Timetable


Sattava Placements Examination Timetable