
To develop as an innovative center for nurturing ideas of students and members of faculty to convert them into products for commercialization and revenue generation


  • Create center for organizing ideathons to develop an idea pool
  • Connect the existing laboratories with idea lab for conducting innovative research and product development
  • Provide opportunities for faculty, students and other stakeholders for creation of intellectual property rights and commercialization
  • Generate revenue through training and technical services
Dr. M. Mohan Babu

Chief Mentor

Dr. Harinadh Vemanaboina

Faculty Coordinator

Dr. Y. Vijaya Kumar  Faculty Co-coordinator

Tech Gurus

S. No Faculty details
1 Dr. D. Sri Hari, Associate Professor, ECE.
2 Mr. S. Nagaraj, Associate Professor, ECE.
3 Mr. K. Thyagarajan, Associate Professor, CSE.
4 Mr. S. Jawahar, Assistant Professor, ME.
5 Mr. G. Vikas Reddy, Assistant Professor, ME.