S.No Name Designation Role
1 Dr. Y. N. Vijay Kumar Professor & Head, EEE Convener
2 Dr. C.K. Selvi Associate Professor, HAS Member
3 Mr. J. C. Naidu Associate Professor, ECE Member
4 Dr. A. R. Babu Associate Professor, ME Member
5 Mr. A. M. Rangaraj Associate Professor, MCA Member


  • Scrutinize the applications received from the students for welfare scholarships and recommend to the welfare office.
  • Scrutinize the request from the students and recommend to the management for financial support to deserving students.
  • Recommend to the governing body for the institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
Sattava Placements Examination Timetable


Sattava Placements Examination Timetable