Books may be borrowed in Smart Card and RIFD Technology by Staff and Students. All the books are RFID Tagged in the Library & RFID Scanners are used in the Circulation Counter for books transaction.
Regular Books may be borrowed for a period of Ten Days (10) and may be renewed for a further period of Ten (10), Provided the item is not required by any other member. The Borrowers shall be responsible for the loss of Books Charged on his / her Card.
Reservation can be done for a book, which is already lent out. Reserved books are kept separately in the Circulation counter for 2 days for each member. The Reservation lapses automatically after 2 days and the next person gets the chance.
Overdue charges The book should be returned on the due date Specified otherwise for every day of delay a fine of RS. 1.00 Will be collected
Reference books VIZ, Encyclopedias Dictionaries, Maps, Microfilms etc will not be issued. Current and back Volumes of Periodical will not be issued.
The books on Loan may be renewed (reissued) provided those books are not in demand by the readers.
No Dues Certificates will be issued either to the students for writing their examinations or to the staff members at the time of resignation only when all the books are returned and dues cleared
A member who infringes or violates the rules shall be liable to forfeit this privilege of admission in to and borrow books form the library.
STAFF | Six Books (6 Books) at a Time |
STUDENTS | Two Books (3 Books) at a Time |
SPECIAL CATEGORY STUDENTS | Four Books (4 Books) at time under Book Bank Scheme (Those who belongs to SC /. ST) |
Monday to Saturday | 9.00 A.M TO 5.30 P.M |
Sunday & Holidays | 9.00 A.M TO 4.00 P.M |