The Training and Placement Committee's constituted with the following members for a period of two years.

S.No Name Designation Role
1 Dr. S. Johny James Head (TAP) Convener
2 Dr. X. John Paul T & P Officer Member
3 Mr. M. Satish Kumar Associate Professor, MCA Member
4 Dr. Y. Gopal Associate Professor, EEE Member
5 Dr. D. Sri Hari Associate Professor, ECE Member
6 Mr. N. Sakthivelan Professor,ME Member
7 Dr. Hare Ram Singh Associate Professor, CSE Member
8 Mr. B. Rajasekhar Associate Professor, CE Member
9 Mr. K. Gopi Assistant Professor, IT Member

Convener may also co-opt two student members each from III B. Tech, IV B. Tech, M. Tech, M.C.A & M.B.A

    Roles & Responsibilites

  • To build and nurture relationship with alumni.
  • To coordinate organizing of various processes like written test, group discussion, technical interviews, H.R. Interviews when the companies come to the campus for placement.
  • To organize activities aimed at improving Institute- Industry Interaction.
  • To review the suggestions/complaints raised by the students during periodical counseling
  • To coordinate the soft skills training programmes of the respective departments.
Sattava Placements Examination Timetable


Sattava Placements Examination Timetable