About Central Library

The SVCET Central Library is the heart, mind and soul of an educational institution. It is also the nerve center of the institution. It is fountain head of innovativeness, inspiration and insightfulness both for the students and the faculty.

The Library attached with digital library is set in a spacious part of the college building. It has been systematically and steadily strengthened year by year. It contains more then 73747 commendably classified text books and reference books. In addition to Journals and Magazines, Spacious reading rooms with modern facility enhances the zeal of the students for knowledge.

The College subscribes National, International Journals of reputation along with prominent nationals and dallies. Advanced RFID with SMART CARD Library Management Technology was introduced in circulation section

5 Day Faculty Development Programme On Modern Cybersecurity With AI ML 27-03-2025 To 31-03-2025 Organized By Department Of MCA

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